Anyone else using LSP Multi-Sampler and understand how it works?

Forgive me, I am very much an amateur and don’t know much in the way of industry jargon / vocab.

I’m using LSP Multi-Sampler x12 DirectOut as a drum machine, but I’m a bit confused as to how it works. When I drag and drop the plugin a bunch of tracks are created; the first two seem to output all instruments in the sampler (pushing the meter into the red because of the duplication), and when I add an additional instrument, it seems like Zrythm chooses two of these tracks at random to output the new instrument. The number of tracks created is also confusing: for twelve instruments, Zrythm is creating 14 tracks.

I’m sure this is intentional and makes sense somehow; I’m just used to software like Bitwig where you just drag a drum machine plugin onto a track, drag your samples on top of the little pads, and it’s all very quick and easy to add an automation lane to any instrument with a dropdown without all these tracks appearing in the DAW - so I’m just having trouble understanding how this is supposed to work.

I can’t check the details at the moment but Zrythm creates an instrument track and then (optionally) routes each output port of the plugin (this number is in the plugin metadata provided by the plugin author) to a separate audio bus track. Zrythm doesn’t really know what happens inside the plugin, just that it has that many outputs.

If you don’t need those extra outputs then you could select “no” when Zrythm asks you to create extra tracks (there should be a dialog when you add the plugin to the project).

You can then route any extra outputs yourself by creating audio bus tracks and routing the corresponding audio ports from the Plugin Inspector. Will eventually look into ways to improve this workflow but for now it’s kinda manual, sorry.

That makes sense; thank you for the explanation!