Midi automation questions

Is is possible to view the automation lane and the piano roll at the same time? Currently I can only see one at a time.

Is it possible to link the movement of MIDI notes on the timeline with the automation data beneath them?


Currently not, but could be made possible in the future. Please file a feature request on GitLab with details about your use case if possible: Issues · Zrythm / zrythm · GitLab

No, besides velocity (and a couple of other parameters which are per-note according to the MIDI spec - those are not implemented yet in Zrythm), MIDI automation applies to all MIDI notes. I believe what you’re asking for is MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression), which will be implemented in later versions (maybe version 2 if enough people ask for it).

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Thanks for the quick reply. With the second point it is true that in the MIDI spec the automation applies to all notes however in practice it’s often the case that you want to move the data with the selected notes (it could be multiple notes).

For example if I record a bar of MIDI using my keyboard and mod-wheel, the mod-wheel data should be associated with the notes. If I quantize the notes the mod-wheel data should also shift along with them, otherwise the data has no purpose because it will be affecting notes that it wasn’t recorded alongside.

There are other times of course when you want the automation data to be independent of the notes, so something like this should be optional.

I think holding down a modifier key while moving the notes to move the automation at the same time would be a good UX. That way you get the current behaviour as the default.

By the way I know that most DAWs don’t do this, so far the only free software one I’ve found that has the capability is Qtractor, but you have to manually select the automation and the notes separately.

I believe Reaper also has the ability but it’s been many years since I used it so I could be wrong.

Here’s how it looks in qtractor

Peek 2024-08-02 11-16

Musically that CC data is tied to the notes, even if it isn’t technically.

This is a good idea, please report it as a feature request on gitlab (so i can track it and eventually work on it). As a work around until this is implemented, you could select the MIDI region and the automation region you want and move them together in the timeline.

I like how Qtractor does it, might do it similarly in Zrythm too.

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Thanks, I just made a feature request for qtractor too because I think it should have a modifier key to auto-select the automation. :slight_smile:

I’ll add the issue to gitlab now.

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